Take a normal size bowl, wash mongdaal thoroughly for 3-4 times ahead and let it soak for at least 2 hours in a bowl full of water. Let the daal soak well without until all hard center get soft.
Best option is to eat few lentils to check about its softness. If the lentil get completely soft, simply throw the water and separate the daal.
Once again wash it off as let the water completely out from the lentil. Gently spread the lentil over colander or any dry cloth piece to dried up the remaining moisture.
Now take beetroots and rinse them well under running water and pat dry with some kitchen cloth or tissue.
Now peel them off and cut them into quarter.
Now place beetroots nicely into a sauce pan, fill water and cover it up.
Place the lid and let it boil on high flame. After 3 mints reduce the flame to medium and cook for 20 to 30 minutes, until tender. Now drain out all water and set the boiled beetroots aside.
Take a medium size pan, add sesame oil, and sauté onion and ginger for 2-3 minutes on medium flame.
Keep stirring beetroots, add cumin powder, coconut, green chilies and salt. Let it cook for more 3 minutes.
Now turn off the flame and take out beetroots in a bowl.
Squeeze some lemon juice and fresh coriander leaves over it.
Serve hot right away without let it cool down.
Just finely grate the beetroots, to liquidize the moisture.
Now take a bowl and add grated beetroots and mong daal well. Make sure no moisture remains in the lentil before mixing it with beetroot.
Now add some salt, grated coconut, lemon juice and coriander leaves.